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Mailing Address
Information Phone
Mailing List
The Mozaic Room is located in the:
Avon Baptist Church
119 North Main Street
Avon, MA 02322
To get directions Click here
To website Avon Baptist Church.

Mailing Address:
Mozaic Room Coffeehouse
PO Box 643
Mansfield, MA 02048

Information Phone:
(508) 339-1109

Here is your chance to tell us how we are doing. To join the mailing list , please go to the mailing list request form.
Tell us what you think about our web site, our shows, our volunteers, or anything else that comes to mind. We welcome all of your comments and suggestions.
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Mailing List:
Please fill out this form to join the Mozaic Room Coffeehouse Mailing List. Press the Submit form button once at the end of the form when completed.
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